Explaining Code to Cats

Sometimes you don't have a ducky.

Web Accessibility: Part 4

Here it is, our final installment in the Web Accessibility series!

Web Accessibility: Part 3

We made it to 2021!

Web Accessibility: Part 2

Happy holidays and best wishes for the new year! 2020 has been a doozy of a year for lots of reasons; despite being VERY ready to say “good riddance to bad rubbish!” to 2020, I recently sat down and journaled about some of the things I’m grateful for this year. I found that despite my often feeling anxious or frustrated, I actually have a lot to be happy about from the last 12 months—not the least of which is starting my new career as a web developer! I hope you also have some positive things to take away from the past year, and have new things on the horizon that have you excited as we head into the new year.

Web Accessibilty: Part 1

For my next few blog posts, I’m going to write a short series on accessibility in web development. Accessibility is critically important and one of my personal values that I seek to integrate throughout my professional practice.

Portfolio Site is Live!

I recently built a portfolio site to showcase some of my personal projects, you can check it out here. I built the site from scratch using HTML, CSS, and some simple JavaScript.