Explaining Code to Cats

Sometimes you don't have a ducky.

Cookbook Community: Sinatra Project

Look, I made a website!

OO Triangle Lab

As promised, here’s my solution to the OO Triangle Lab in Flatiron’s Software Engineering program. I’m excited to share this code because as I mentioned in my previous blog post, my solution is different from the “official” solution. First I’ll walk through my solution, then I’ll contrast it to Flatiron’s solution.

Prime?() Lab

Here’s a quick walk through of the prime?() lab, but I’m going to keep it brief—mainly because I am much more pleased with my solution to the OO Triangle lab. My solution to OO Triangle is novel (not the solution posted to GitHub) and I think it’s quite elegant and simple. So a quick look at prime?() then on to the fun stuff with OO Triangle in my next blog!

Brew Finder: Ruby CLI Project

So what’s up with Brew Finder?

The Process of Procedural Programming

Today I’m going to talk a little about my approach to working with procedural Ruby. First, let’s cover what I mean by “procedural”—for programmers, it’s easy to take for granted an understanding of the various conceptual models behind different programming languages, but let’s take a step back and clarify the core differences between procedural and object oriented programming.